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Increase well-being and productivity at work with classical music

September 20, 2024
Increase well-being and productivity at work with classical music

In the middle of the last century, the BBC created a radio program called "Music at Work", which was broadcast in many British factories between 1940 and 1967 to increase the productivity of workers. The results of the study showed that if indeed their productivity had increased, it was mainly according to their own statements because they felt happier to go to work. Thus, they did not feel that they were changing their habits: rather, it was their general well-being that unconsciously changed the way they worked.

This study took place many years ago, yet its results are still relevant today. They have even been supplemented by new studies showing many other benefits of classical music at work. The main lesson to be drawn from all these studies is that if classical music does not directly affect productivity, it is by increasing concentration and satisfaction at work that its benefits indirectly affect the efficiency of employees.

Classical music helps concentrating at work

Evidences are everywhere; many research studies have drawn the same conclusions on this subject, classical music helps concentration. Research carried out internally by Vialma shows that the peak listening time for concentration is 4pm, and this concentration depends on the fact that the music doesn't have lyrics. Moreover, the slower the tempo, the easier it is to concentrate.

Researcher Marcel Meyer adds in "The Power of Music: Can Music at Work Help to Create more Ethical Organizations?" that classical music specifically helps to focus on small details, when performing meticulous tasks that require accuracy.

Classical music improves well-being at work

Cameron's (2003) thesis is that positive emotions create virtuous behaviors: altruism, sincerity, devotion... Classical music is able to generate positive emotions, and thus create a light and healthy atmosphere within the workspace since employees who listen to it will be immersed in a positive state of mind.

And that's not all! An article in the Harvard Business Review, "Staying focused in a noisy open space" written by Rebecca Knight, explains that listening to classical music with headphones in an open space helps each employee recreate their own personal and intimate space within the collective space. In their article "Don't Stop the Music, Please: The Relationship between Music Use at Work, Satisfaction, and Performance", researchers Domenico Sanseverino, Andrea Caputo, Claudio Giovanni Cortese and Chiara Ghislier point out that classical music helps workers feel freer, more in control and much less stressed.

Finally, it also fosters community spirit and a sense of belonging to a group, which can positively influence team-building and teamwork.

Vialma offers you a turnkey solution to boost the performance of your teams while improving their working conditions

Thanks to Vialma, bringing classical music to the heart of your workspaces has never been so easy. We offer a turnkey solution that meets all your needs: ultra-customizable white-label streaming platform, curation of programs created specifically to promote concentration, complete analysis of the results of the system...

Do not hesitate to contact our team so that we can guide you to the solution that is best suited to your company.

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