Care England
Care England is a leading representative body for adult social care providers in England, with a mission to ensure that people who need care receive the highest quality of service and improved patient experience. Vialma partnered with Care England to offer over 80 care homes a free live-streamed concert with London Symphony Orchestra.
Patient experience
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live streaming
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Care England

Creating musical moments for care home with live streaming

The context

Care home residents were among the most isolated groups in society, with limited opportunities to engage in cultural activities. Vialma, the streaming service for classical and jazz music, recognized this challenge and organized a free live streaming event featuring the London Symphony Orchestra and another one featuring the London Philharmonic Orchestra for 80 care homes across England.

Vialma aimed to bring joy and entertainment to care home residents. By offering a unique and engaging experience, Vialma sought to create a positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of care home residents.

The solution

Vialma worked closely with the London Symphony Orchestra to organize the live streaming event. The event was designed as a "Watch Party," where residents of care homes could gather together to watch the performance and discuss it with the musicians via an online chat. Conductor Marta Gardolinska, along with 4 musicians from the LSO joined the chat and gladly answered to the -many!- questions the audience had. Vialma provided the streaming platform and technical support to ensure a seamless viewing experience for all participants, as well as a listening guide for the audience to emulate the real concert hall experience!

The live streaming event was a huge success, with positive feedback from participating care homes. Radnor House reported a "really good turnout" and Rosclare residential home stated that the musical experience was "most welcome" and "beneficial to all residents, especially persons with dementia." The event provided a unique opportunity for care home residents to engage in cultural activities, socialize with their peers, and connect with world-class musicians. The event also highlighted the potential of technology to bring joy and entertainment to those who are most vulnerable in society.

Vialma's live streaming event featuring the London Symphony Orchestra demonstrated the power of music to bring joy and entertainment to care home residents. The event provided a unique opportunity for residents to engage in cultural activities and connect with world-class musicians. Vialma's initiative is an excellent example of how technology can be harnessed to improve the mental health and wellbeing of vulnerable groups in society.

attending residents
Participating care homes
Watch Parties organized

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